2,933 research outputs found

    Introduction to Prosthetic Limbs

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    Approximately 2 million people in the Unites States alone have had an amputation, and many of these people use a prosthetic limb daily. The prosthetic limb, which began as a primitive device, is now a highly sophisticated piece of technology. It is because of many devoted scientists that we now have access to this life-transforming device. There are many causes for amputation; a few causes included disease, accidents, and congenital conditions. Although missing a limb can be life-altering, health care teams consisting of physicians, physical therapists, and orthotists are dedicated to helping people return to everyday activities and to excel in their pursuits

    The Psychological and Physical Rehabilitation of Amputees

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    Since physical therapy requires constant interaction with other people, it is a career that requires not only medical knowledge, but knowledge of the human psychology as well. A physical therapist may be well versed in recovery techniques, but how will he or she get the patient motivated if the patient is not motivated to begin with? Every person is different. Rehabilitation of amputees is a delicate process that requires significant work over an extended time period. Many factors are involved during the preoperative phase, as well as the postoperative phase. However, by being aware of the patient’s mental status and providing adequate patient education, the physical therapist and health care team can provide an extremely effective rehabilitation program. By understanding the patient and prescribing the proper exercise program, a physical therapist can help an amputee reach a high level of functionality

    An Analysis of Remote Communication Processes Involved in Video- Mediated and Text-Based Computer-Mediated Communication During Collaborative Problem Solving

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    The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of current available communication mediums on the process of collaborative problem solving tasks in today\u27s modern society. Seven male-only dyads were asked to complete two tasks, both with a finite and definable solution, by communicating through one of three possible ways: face-to- face (FTF), a synchronous text-based computer system (CMC), and a video-mediated system (VMC). The effectiveness of the medium was evaluated based on time to solution, number of turns and words in relation to a visual search task and a spatial task. Results showed a significant difference in time to solution between dyads communicating through CMC and VMC and FTF mode for the visual search task. For the spatial task, significant time differences were found between all modes of communication, with the computer-mediated group taking the longest time to complete the task. No difference was found between FTF mode and VMC mode in regards to number of words and turns for the visual task, and for the special task no significant difference was found between FTF mode and CMC mode

    Entrepreneurial Marketing: A Historical Exploration and Implications for Practice

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    In an increasingly turbulent market, marketers are having difficulty predicting consumer demands, and academics are finding that traditional marketing theory is no longer highly effective in making educated marketing decisions. With the growth of Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) research over the past several decades, researchers have found these practices to be effective not only for SME’s but also for larger firms. Because of this, researchers are offering Entrepreneurial Marketing theory as a solution for all firms seeking a competitive advantage in a volatile market. Entrepreneurial Marketing, which is the innovative, opportunity seeking approach most entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) utilize when marketing their businesses, is characterized by innovative value creation, and external focus and a willingness to take risks. The majority of the research conducted has used primarily qualitative methods to uncover typical entrepreneurial practices. This study found that while sufficient research has been conducted on the history and defining characteristics of EM, the literature lacks practical implementation strategies for firms wishing to apply these practices. This paper presents a review of the current literature on EM, highlights the history and defining characteristics, and then offers a model that firms, both small and large, can utilize to implement EM. The model offered in this research applies the defining characteristics of EM––opportunity creation, innovation, personal networking, and resource leveraging––to each element of the Four P Model. This model requires an innovative management strategy and a keen external focus on the market. Based on the existing literature, this paper concludes that applying these principles to either SMEs or to larger firms should significantly proliferate the success of a firm, increase competition among firms, and better meet the needs of the market through nichemanship

    Youth Unemployment and Job Insecurity in Spain: Problems and Policy Options

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    Youth unemployment rates in Spain are considerably higher than the European average. Moreover, those young people who do have jobs generally work under extremely unstable conditions on temporary contracts. Most of these temporary contracts are "involuntary" - workers would prefer to find permanent jobs but are unable to do so. The consequences of this job insecurity in Spain are dramatic. Across the educational spectrum, young workers are at greater risk of remaining unemployed, getting stuck in temporary contracts for long periods of time, experiencing wage penalties, or being over-qualified for their jobs. The crisis has increased the overall risk of long-term poverty and social exclusion, particularly for youth with migrant backgrounds and those who are not in education, employment, or training. The paper concludes by outlining the three most urgent objectives for the Spanish labor market today: bridging the gap between education and work; developing active labor market policies; and reducing labor market segmentation between workers with temporary and permanent contracts and between "insiders" and "outsiders"

    Diseño del programa de salud ocupacional para el hospital local de Obando E.S.E

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    La historia de la Salud Ocupacional está íntimamente ligada a la evolución y desarrollo del hombre y del trabajo, pero para poder trabajar es necesario tener protección para garantizar su salud, no sólo física sino mental y social y para todo esto se necesita una buena calidad del ambiente laboral y del entorno para que el trabajador tenga un bienestar integral. Una situación de riesgo, inherente o no al proceso, puede traer como ocurrencia un Accidente de trabajo o una Enfermedad Profesional según la actividad en que se desenvuelva el ser humano. En toda empresa, cualquiera que sea su tamaño o actividad, se debe contar con un Programa de Salud Ocupacional, bien orientado, ya que es a través de él que se puede garantizar un control en la exposición de la población trabajadora a factores de riesgos que constituyan una amenaza para la salud y la calidad de vida de la población trabajadora. El presente diseño del Programa de Salud Ocupacional, es la etapa inicial para su respectiva implementación, donde a partir de un Diagnóstico integral de las condiciones de trabajo y salud de la empresa, se determinan las actividades a realizar para ejercer un control sobre los riesgos que amenazan la integridad, no solo de la población trabajadora, sino de las personas que reciben el servicio por parte del HOSPITAL LOCAL DE OBANDO E.S.E.The history of Occupational Health is closely linked to the evolution and development of man and work, but work is necessary to take protective measures to ensure their health, not only physically but mentally and socially and for all that you need good quality workplace and the environment to which the employee is well-being. A risk inherent to the process or not, can bring as a work accident occurrence or occupational disease according to the activity that unfolds in humans. In any enterprise, whatever its size or activity, you must have an Occupational Health Program, focused as it is through him that he can secure control of the working population exposure to risk factors that constitute a threat to the health and quality of life of the working population. The present design of the Occupational Health Program, is the initial stage for their respective implementation, where from a comprehensive assessment of working conditions and health of the company, defines the activities necessary for exercising control over the risks threaten the integrity not only of the working population, but of the people receiving the service by HOSPITAL LOCAL DE OBANDO E.S.E
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